10 Ways To Victory in November 2024

10 Ways To Victory in November 2024

September 25, 2024

Texans are wringing their hands over the November General Election, and rightly so.  Here’s why…

Tarrant County (home of Ft Worth) is the largest red county in America.  It is what holds Texas red.  If Tarrant turns blue, so does Texas.  And of course if Texas turns blue, so does America.  Tarrant County is ground zero for the good fight.

Now consider this…

In 2018, Cruz lost Tarrant by 4,308 votes (less than 1%).  Cruz won overall in Texas by just 214,921 votes.
In 2020, Trump lost Tarrant by 1,826 votes (less than 1%).  Trump won overall in Texas by just 631,221 votes.
Look at those numbers again, and keep in mind that Texas has imported 1.7 MILLION NEW REGISTERED VOTERS.
Do you see how easily we can lose Tarrant, and therefore Texas, and therefore America? The good news is, we believe we have enough Republicans in Texas to win… IF they will vote. Sadly, Republicans love to throw up their hands in exasperation and stay home on election day. “I don’t like either candidate!  I’m not voting!” That’s how we lose.
You must encourage folks to vote — even if it’s awkward or annoying to them!  Hey, if they don’t want to vote for President, at the very least they can still vote for the dozens of other offices, especially judges, that will be on the ballot.  Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!
So what can you do to help?  Here are 10 ideas…
  1. The last day to register to vote is Oct 7.  Ask your church to host a voter registration table.  Or your VFW.  Or your gym.  Or anywhere that sees a steady flow of people.  Your GOP and your County Elections office will help provide voter registrars. You can also just ask around.  Who can YOU remind to get registered?  Do you know any youth that just turned 18? Anyone who has recently moved?
  2. On the flip side, some people need to UNregister.  If you’ve moved since the last election, contact your previous county and let them know to take your name off of their voter registry.  Technically, you don’t have to do this… but if you don’t, the Left will vote in your name fraudulently.  Let those who have recently moved know to do this.  And if you know anyone who has passed away, get their name(s) scrubbed from the voter rolls as well.
  3. Protect the elderly.  They are the most vulnerable to voter fraud.  Remind them to never, ever let anyone they don’t trust have possession of their ballot… not to mail it for them, not to fill it out for them, nothing.  This could be someone in a nursing home, someone that goes door to door as a “service”, etc.
  4. Get to work right now – yes, right now!  Of course you’re busy! Everyone is. You may feel incompetent.  You might be out of your comfort zone.  Push past that because there really is nothing extra-curricular at this stage in the game more important than the election.  Get involved and do something.  Maybe you know a candidate you like that you can volunteer for.  Or join other TTP volunteers at the GOP headquarters for your county. Several of our satellites are hosting “TTP@theGOP” days every week between now and the election, but if there is nothing planned for your area, you can still go in and help with making phone calls, stuffing envelopes, bundling push cards, or any other helpful task.  Many hands make light work!TTP@theGOP – happy volunteers!
  5. Block your calendar.  As soon as early voting starts, we get visibility to who has already voted.  That’s when we start calling those who haven’t to remind them to get the job done and answer any questions they might have.  This is especially necessary in the few days between the end of early voting and Nov 5 Election Day.  Just go ahead and block your calendar now for pockets of time from Oct 21-Nov 5 when you can help.  A candidate or your GOP office can guide you in this effort.
  6. Get paid!  Election Judges and Election Clerks are paid positions necessary to make our election process work.  You even get paid for training.  Your county elections office can direct you.
  7. We also need poll watchers everywhere.  And in fact, if you’re willing, we need them in some of the, um, “less comfortable” parts of town especially.  We’ve got to have eyes on the process to ensure no fraud takes place.  To get info and training, contact Tammy Lehman at 785-764-0296 or via email.
  8. Say something!  If you see anything questionable at the polls, call the Election Hotline sponsored by Advancing Integrity at 833-TX Vote3.
  9. Want more ideas?  Advancing Integrity is our go-to resource for all things election-related.  They have a page on their website all about how to get involved.  Find it here.
  10. And last but most definitely not least…  VOTE!  There are debates on when it’s best to vote, during early voting or on Election Day.  Whatever your preference or availability, just do it!  But don’t go to the polls empty handed.  Find all the information you need to vote on the General Election candidates, local bonds & propositions, and local or special elections at this link.  There’s even a voter guide you can print and share with others.  To some of us who have been in this a long time, the choices are obvious.  To others, they really don’t understand the difference between a Primary and a General, and they certainly haven’t researched the truth about local bonds and elections, so we are here to help!

We recently received an email that sums this up well…

“We vote per your recommendations. We receive messages from strangers to vote for other people. When in doubt, we turn to the people that we trust: TTP.” ~ Ron & Dorothy

People want to do the right thing.  Help them!  Texas depends on it.