True Texas Project Makes SPLC’s List of Anti-Government Groups for Third Consecutive Year

True Texas Project Makes SPLC’s List of Anti-Government Groups for Third Consecutive Year

July 11, 2024

An accomplishment of the highest honor!

When an organization that supports late-term abortion, child mutilation, socialism, globalism, open borders, mass migration, tyranny, and criminals lists you as an enemy, you know you’re doing something right.

For the third year in a row, the SPLC has listed the True Texas Project as one of its hundreds of documented “Hate and Anti-Government Groups.” With the designation of “Anti-Government General,” TTP is reported to be “part of the antidemocratic hard-right movement. They believe the federal government is tyrannical, and they traffic in conspiracy theories about an illegitimate government of leftist elites seeking a ‘New World Order.’”

The answer to which specific action(s) landed True Texas Project on this list remains unclear. SPLC’s article describing what they deem as Anti-Government groups gives particular consideration to those that stood against COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Any questioning of or opposition to these measures of the radical left, which the SPLC supports vehemently, is generally grounds for inclusion in the list. Therefore, TTP’s support of Shelley Luther and her protests of tyrannical COVID lockdowns could have been the catalyst. 

Alongside True Texas Project are groups such as the Texas Freedom Coalition, Texas Eagle Forum, Gun Owners of America, Moms for Liberty, Concerned Parents of Texas, the Constitution Party, and many others including even KrisAnne Hall. 

The inclusion of half of the aforementioned accompanying groups reveals a pattern that is specifically concerning. The SPLC takes considerable offense towards parents who wish to have a say in their children’s education. Hesitancy towards radical sexualization and leftist brainwashing in the public school system will inevitably make one a prime target of the SPLC. Generally speaking, harboring any right-wing views, including adherence to the Constitution, will massively increase the chances of slander from this organization.

True Texas Project considers our inclusion on this list to be one of great honor; it’s an achievement that proves both our effectiveness in combating the Radical Left’s reign of terror and that we are a thorn in their side. 

True Texas Project is labeled as an Anti-Government Group for holding the same beliefs on limited government as the Founding Fathers. The principle of limited government is more than just the foundation upon which this nation was built; it’s the entire reason the United States exists in the first place. TTP celebrates our inclusion in the SPLC’s hit list as a testament to our consistent and effective opposition to leftist tyranny. Thank you, Southern Poverty Law Center!