True Texas Project 15th Birthday Party RECAP!

True Texas Project 15th Birthday Party RECAP!

July 16, 2024

The True Texas Project’s 15th Anniversary Birthday Party was a great success!

Despite a near shutdown and cancellation of the event by the Fort Worth Botanic Garden themselves, a massive social media smear campaign, and upwards of 100 Antifa protesters, our celebration went off without a hitch. 

We are so grateful for each and every True Texas patriot that showed up to party with us. The continued support of our followers is what enables us to spread the message and fight for True Texan values across the state. 

We’d also like to thank all of our amazing speakers who delivered impassioned, informative, and inspiring presentations on important topics that few others will even mention! True Texas Project is devoted to free speech and sharing the truth about the pressing issues facing our state, regardless of how controversial they may be or how much the Left wants us to ignore them. We will continue pushing the Overton Window to the right in Texas with authentically conservative and explicitly Christian messaging.

If you unfortunately couldn’t attend the event but are curious about what you missed, video recordings of each speech will be available for you shortly. Our speakers touched on every hot button topic from the border, Israel, Christian Nationalism, and so much more. The popularity of our movement and ideas are growing at rapid and exponential rates thanks to our tremendously effective speakers and their professional delivery of interpretations that properly resonate with the True Texan spirit.

Our Birthday event was met with fierce opposition from the Radical Left. First, a concentrated and slanderous social media effort was made to get the event shut down. Then we were told by the Fort Worth Botanic Garden that they had “double booked” our reservation, and they had to cancel. Later, on X, FWBG sang a different tune, admitting to canceling our event because they disagreed with our political beliefs. 

Thankfully, the Gardens were reminded of their status as a city-owned venue funded by taxpayer dollars. Therefore, they were “forced” to cease their discriminatory actions and abide by their original obligations. We are thankful to the Fort Worth city officials who put a stop to this blatant political hitjob. 

The reinstatement of our reservation angered leftist radicals even further, and they showed up nearly 100 strong to protest outside of the event. Black-clad, dysgenic, Antifa thugs brandishing firearms posted near the entrance in opposition. Upon realizing that their presence wasn’t intimidating any of our attendees, their numbers quickly dwindled by the hour. 

The True Texas Project will never allow the Radical Left to scare us into submission, and we will continue to fight for your rights and your beliefs as True Texan patriots. Many more events of this kind are sure to come, and we look forward to seeing more of our supporters at each one as our movement continues to grow. Thanks to everyone who helped make our birthday a success, and we’ll see you next year for our Sweet 16!