Louisiana Adds Ten Commandments Back to Schools

Louisiana Adds Ten Commandments Back to Schools

June 20, 2024

As proud Texans, we’ve always kept a watchful eye on our neighbors, especially when they’re making waves in preserving our nation’s moral foundations. Louisiana has just taken a monumental step forward, mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom from kindergarten through university. This bold move makes us wonder, could the Lone Star State be next?

Governor Jeff Landry of Louisiana has shown true leadership by signing this law, and we will see these timeless principles prominently displayed in classrooms starting in 2025. The displays, funded entirely by private donations, will constantly remind us of the moral bedrock upon which our great nation was built.

Here in Texas, we’ve long understood the importance of our Christian heritage in shaping our values and laws. It’s heartening to see our own Governor Greg Abbott express support for something similar – making sure the 10 commandments remain at the Texas Capitol. 

Critics may protest, claiming a violation of the separation of church and state. However, we Texans know better. These displays aren’t about imposing religion; they’re about acknowledging the historical significance of the Ten Commandments in American public education. After all, how can we expect our children to understand the foundations of our legal system without exposure to one of its primary sources?

Louisiana law wisely includes a context statement alongside each display, emphasizing the Ten Commandments’ historical significance. This four-paragraph text aims to provide historical context and rationale for the Ten Commandments’ presence in public schools, highlighting their longstanding role in American education over centuries. This approach not only educates our youth but also creates a deeper appreciation of American culture and values.

As we watch Louisiana lead the way, many of us here in Texas are hopeful that our state legislators will take notice. Imagine the positive impact on our students if they were reminded daily of principles like honoring their parents, not stealing, and not bearing false witness. These universal values transcend any religion and form the basis of a civil society.

With the support of like-minded Texans, there’s no reason why we couldn’t implement a similar measure in our own schools. It’s time for Texas to stand up and be counted among those states that aren’t afraid to acknowledge the role of Christian principles in our nation’s founding and ongoing success.

As we look to the future, let’s encourage our representatives to follow Louisiana’s example. Let’s bring the Ten Commandments into our classrooms, not only as a religious decree but as a historical document that has shaped our laws and society. 

After all, if there’s one thing we Texans know, it’s that everything’s bigger in Texas – including our commitment to our founding principles. Let’s ensure our children understand the moral foundations that have made America and Texas truly great.

We encourage you to share this message with your State Rep and State Senator.  You may find them at https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home