15th Birthday Party & Conference

15th Birthday Party & Conference

July 29, 2024

Happy birthday!  True Texas Project turned 15 years old in 2024, and we had a big party and conference to celebrate!

Pics of all our speakers, the audience, the protesters, the candids, and the portraits are on our Flickr account here.  Y’all looked great!

Our schedule included the following:

  • After appetizers & birthday cake, we took a big group photo.  Our venue maxed out at 250 people, which obviously is only a fraction of our True Texas army, but here we are!  (Hint: the pic on Flickr is better!)
  • Long-time TTP friend Massey Campos (who took a strong stand for us when the media attacked) began the program with an inspirational message, “There is hope for America.” Watch it here.
  • Chad Prather had us absolutely roaring with laughter!  If you missed it, sorry!  It was for guests only!
  • The Friday night party was followed by a full day of breakout sessions on Saturday.  The protesters were out in full force.  (More pics at the Flickr link at the top of this article.

    We gave permission to The Dallas Express news to cover our conference.  Here’s an article that includes an interview with the protesters.  We want to thank the protesters for this very accurate quote:

“This organization has been pushing the Republican Party to the far right in Texas for 15 years.”

  • Andrew Isker gave two presentations. One was on “ordered affection” (which basically means it’s ok to prioritize taking care of your family, community and nation over the whole rest of the world), and The Dallas Express wrote a short article explaining what was shared.
  • Isker’s 2nd talk was on Christian Zionism (which asks the question, “Is the Israel of the covenant the same as the political nation of Israel today?”).  It was this second presentation that caused 2 of our speakers to cancel out of fear of being called an anti-Semite.  Too bad for them because the conference was sold out, and all the speakers were incredible…  including this one!  Nothing anti-Semitic about it, but those who cancelled wouldn’t listen to reason and bowed to a left-wing rag bugging them to quit.  Hope they learned their lesson!  Even Tucker Carlson agreed with our speaker!
  • Paul Gottfried also gave two presentations – one on The Wrong Kind of Right: Neoconservatism (spoiler alert — it’s not the conservatism you want!) and one on defining real conservatism (yea!).
  • Another controversial topic introduced us to Christian Nationalism with Stephen Wolfe.  He followed that up with answering arguments against Christian Nationalism.  In the end, we learned that Christian nationalism is NOT about demanding all citizens practice Christianity (of course not), but rather a recognition that all laws should mirror the Biblical Christian beliefs the nation was built on.  Yes, you can and should legislate morality – it’s what most laws do anyway!  You can read the press coverage of this presentation here.
  • Les Bernal’s talk on The Big Con: Gambling in Texas was a huge hit — so big, in fact, that we will be bringing him back to make the rounds in all our satellites.  We’ve got to be prepared to fight expanded gambling in the next legislative session.
  • A large crowd gathered for our showing of the movie Letter To The American Church by Eric Metaxas.
  • CJay Engel had two talks as well – one titled Multiculturalism & The War on White America, and one titled Tired of Losing? Introducing The New Right.
  • John Guandolo, a long-time speaker at TTP, was brought in by request and gave a presentation on The War For America.
  • We were privileged to hear the testimony of Kyle Rittenhouse, and he signed copies of his book “Acquitted!” afterwards.
  • Over the lunch hour we did a Q&A panel on Cultural Marxism with Isker, Gottfried, Engle, and Wolfe, conducted by Fred McCarty & Ryan McCubbin.
  • After lunch, Wade Miller continued ticking off the Left and stirring up controversy with his talk on the Great Replacement Theory. While some would insist there is no attempt to eliminate and replace white Americans, Wade had video proof from multiple prominent Democrats that this is exactly their goal.  This is the talk that seemed to convince yet another of our speakers to back out, and yet, as usual, True Texas Project was right, and the speaker who canceled was, well… wrong!  In fact, when he tried to convince Wade to drop out (probably because he realized he made a mistake and was looking for backup), Wade replied, “There is 0% chance of that happening.”  Thank you, Wade!  We knew we could count on you!
  • David Pinkston, a retired Navy Captain, spoke to a crowded room about Positive Patriotism.  Are you noticing a theme?  True Texans are not defeated or discouraged!  We are honored to be alive and coming to the aide of our nation at such a time as this!  Pinkston will be making the round at many of our satellites.
  • The last speaker of the day, Mike Sonneveldt, closed us out with another encouraging message, challenging the men to step up and lead.  Mike will be back in Texas for some satellite visits as well.
  • Before we all went home, we had a special treat as many of the candidates we worked so hard to elect showed up to wish us a happy birthday!  The crowd went wild.  Winning is fun, and the fact that these hard-working candidates took time to show up at our party in spite of negative media coverage is incredible!  This massive list included:
    • State Rep Nominee Mike Olcott
    • State Rep Nominee Shelley Luther
    • State Rep Nominee Mitch Little
    • State Rep Nominee Keresa Richardson
    • State Rep Nominee Andy Hopper
    • State Rep Nominee David Lowe
    • State Senator Bob Hall
    • Supreme Court Justice John Devine
    • Judge David Cook
    • Carroll ISD Board Andrew Yeager
    • Tarrant GOP Chair Bo French
    • Judge Jesse Nevarez
    • State Rep David Cook
    • Criminal Court Nominee David Schenck
    • Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare
    • Judge Kiimberly Fitzpatrick
    • State Rep Nominee Wes Virdell
    • Sheriff Bill Waybourn
    • Judge Andy Porter
    • Here they are!
    • But that’s not all !  Many of those who could not attend sent in video messages.  Check it out because it’s so fun!

So while our conference was billed as controversial by the Left, the truth is that lie only worked on less than a handful of weak-minded individuals.  Over and over again we heard the same thing, “You stood strong, and that gave me the strength to stand strong.  I’m so glad I was here for these speakers.”  Here’s one such message that our CEO Julie McCarty received from Chris Russo, President of Texans for Strong Borders:So here’s a final question for those speakers who canceled that frankly we just can’t resist asking:

Now that the conference was a huge success with a sold-out crowd and attendees raving over the great speakers and discussions, do you regret your decision to immediately cancel your appearance, which disavowed your decade-long relationship with a trusted partner merely because the left-wing media pressured you to?

Ouch! Ok… we’ll withdraw the question, stay free of distractions, and instead just say, “Here’s to 15 more years of saving Texas!