It’s time to party again! That’s right – we threw a big ol’ party on our 10th Birthday, and now that we’re 5 years stronger, we’re throwing an even bigger one for our 15th! In fact, it’s not just a partyit’s a party followed by an all-day conference.

Your ticket includes the Friday night party with heavy appetizers, birthday cake (of course), a toast to our success, a group photo that we want YOU in, and the comedy, music, and commentary of Chad Prather. Your ticket carries over to the incredible conference on Saturday with multiple breakout sessions, a lunch during our lunch-n-learn presentation, and a meet-n-greet with some of our new, allied State Reps and elected officials.

All this for just 50 bucks!  Wow!


Our birthday party takes place July 12 from 6-9pm, and the conference is July 13 from 9am-6pm at the Ft Worth Botanical Garden, 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd, Ft Worth.  We want you to join us for both! Dress is casual (see t-shirt below!).

Would you like to sponsor this event?  Sponsorships are available at three different levels, and exhibitor tables are available to candidates and organizations at just $50. (Note: exhibitor tables require pre-approval by True Texas Project. To inquire, please email [email protected].)


Our limited edition 15 Years Strong T Shirt will also be available at the conference for a donation of $15 or more (while supplies last). Or you can buy them in advance at our online store.



Friday Birthday Party:  Heavy appetizers, tea, and cake are on us… plus a toast to our success and a group photo with our True Texas family!  After dinner we’ll be encouraged with a message from Massey Campos, and entertained with Chad Prather’s comedy, music, and commentary.  Doors open at 5:45pm; the party takes place from 6-9pm.

Saturday Conference: 

  • Morning Kick-Off – We’ll start at 8:45am with a brief tease from each speaker to let us know what to expect during their breakout session(s).
  • Lunch-N-Learn – Each attendee will receive a box lunch as we listen to an engaging interview with C.Jay Engel, Pastor Andrew Isker, and Dr. Paul Gottfried on “Understanding Cultural Marxism.”
  • Closing Session – We’ll wrap up the day’s sessions with TTP favorite, Mike Sonneveldt, giving an encouraging message titled “There IS Hope: America’s Position In History”.
  • Candidate Meet-N-Greet – Mingle with some elected officials.  We’ve elected some really great ones, plus it’s the first step in building relationships to hold them accountable.
  • 8:15 – doors open; check-in begins
  • 8:45 – conference begins w/ welcome, speaker teasers; exhibit tables open all day
  • 9:15 – 1st breakout session
  • 10:15 – 2nd breakout session
  • 11:15 – 3rd breakout session
  • 12:05 – lunch-n-learn with Engel & Gottfried (box lunch provided)
  • 2:00 – 4th breakout session
  • 3:00 – 5th breakout session
  • 4:00 – closing session w/ Mike Sonneveldt
  • 5:00 – candidate meet-n-greet
  • 5:45 – conference ends

Breakout Sessions: 
We’ve got 5 hours of breakout sessions planned, where you can choose any talk from any of our three tracks.  Bring a friend or two to divide and conquer because you’re gonna want to hear them all! Times and rooms will be updated soon, and speakers are constantly being added!

TRACK ONE:  Aliens, Immigrants, & the Border – For the past 15 years, this has been the #1 topic among our activists, and that’s just as true today, if not more so.  Just remember, True Texas Project ain’t no country club.  We are driven to do something.  Get ready for solutions, and get ready to make them happen.

  • Multiculturalism & The War On White America with C.Jay Engel – You’d have to be hiding under a rock at this point to not have noticed the blatant antiwhite campaign by the Left. They don’t even hide their intent to rid the earth of the white race. It’s absolutely vital we remember that when they say “white supremacy” or “white nationalism” or whatever the most recent scare phrase is, they literally just mean your heritage and historical way of life. It’s a culture war, simple as that.  Stop apologizing. Stop backing down.  Start fighting back.
  • Great Replacement Theory with Wade Miller – As American birth rates decline and foreign-born population increases, demographic replacement of American citizens is clearly not just a theory, but a reality.  By tying the Great Replacement Theory to white-nationalist and anti-Semetic violence, the establishment condemns any recognition of ongoing demographic transformation as racist.  Concerned citizens are told not to believe their lying eyes, while the progressive Left celebrates a majority-minority future as a moral triumph.  It is reasonable to fear these population changes will transform our national culture and represent a deliberate policy of replacing citizens with subjects.
  • The War For America with John Guandolo – Understanding how to effectively engage the enemy in the war for America
  • Positive Patriotism with David Pinkston – We live in a polarized time, with Americans as pessimistic about the future of the country as they have been in the last 60 years. Now more than ever, we need a reminder of what America is and who Americans are. David will discuss and sign copies of his new book titled Positive Patriotism: Reigniting Our Love of Country. This book analyzes the falling patriotism among Americans, identifies causes, and provides simple, straightforward, solutions to regain our gratitude and reverence for America. This book is not just a narrative; it’s an invitation to reconnect with our nation’s core values and rich history.

TRACK TWO:  Christian Nationalism – Yeah, we said it, and we’re not afraid of it.  We have a reputation for getting to the heart of a matter.  Is it wrong to want to preserve a Christian culture?  Are we only allowed to talk about these things in hushed tones?  Not here.  It’s a conversation worth having.  In fact, we’re told it will be the first conference of this kind in America, and new faces will come in to hear from the experts we’re hosting.  Stretch your mind a bit and listen to what they have to say.

  • Global Gaslighting: The Biblical Case for Ordered Affection with Andrew Isker – Across all human cultures and throughout all of human history the love of one’s own people and place have been regarded as a virtue. Scripture even commands believers to love and care for their kin. Something changed after WWII where the love of home, hearth, and kin began to be denigrated and replaced with globalism. This exchange has occurred in the context of mass immigration and forced multiculturalism. Now, love of one’s own people is regarded as xenophobia – an imaginary social pathology. Americans are now expected to view their nation as a set of propositions open to the world, which is evil. Political activists will be given the tools to reject the globalist propaganda and the shrewd gaslighting they have been subjected to for decades.
  • The Case For Christian Nationalism with Stephen Wolfe – Despite modern attempts to whitewash our own history, it is a fact that America’s early years were marked by a robust English Protestant cultural and political order. This order was gradually replaced by a philosophy of secular liberalism, which pretended to impose a values-neutral public sphere where policies are determined by reason and social science. Secular liberalism rejected America’s traditional underpinning of law and culture, Christianity, and this vacuum was rapidly filled with leftist progressivism. Evangelicalism has been at a loss as to how to respond, largely viewing faith as a personal affair with no role for Christianity in the public realm. The results of this change have been disastrous. Our forefathers knew that society was shaped and informed by law and that there is a supportive role for politics to play in faith and culture. Stephen Wolfe shows us how to restore sanity to our political arena by adopting the ordering principals of our forefathers – natural law.
  • Objections to Christian Nationalism with Stephen Wolfe – Does it make you nervous or uncomfortable to take a stand for your faith and culture?  It shouldn’t.  Put those fears to rest in part two of The Case for Christian Nationalism
  • Will The Real Israel Please Stand Up: Is Christian Zionism Biblical? with Andrew Isker – Christian Zionism, a novel method of Bible interpretation birthed in the late 19th Century, has taught four generations of American Christians that the modern state of Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, and its existence proves (1) we are in the end times and (2) that an “Armageddon” is just around the corner. Christians will soon be “raptured” out of a world caught up in a dark, irreversible, decline, and any attempt to restore political order is futile. There are also frequent dysfunctional political dispositions that accompany Christian Zionism like military adventurism abroad and political passivism at home. These dispositions hinder Christian engagement in the political realm. In order for American Christians to employ broad political reform to fight the left and weather the coming storms, it is imperative they remove the dubious theological shackles from their faith and politics. Pastor Isker will help us understand the importance of the church and the role of the Christian citizen in the political realm with new eyes.
  • The Wrong Kind of Right (or, “A History of Neoconservatism”) with Paul Gottfried – The challenges of post WW2 America enticed a new generation of political strategists to advocate for policies that prioritized a global anticommunist campaign. Unfortunately, this school of political thought retreated from the culture wars at a crucial time. It envisioned America as the global champion of freedom and democracy and encouraged interventionism. After the end of the Cold War, the powerful institutions that were built during this time were retooled for the War on Terror and were slowly weaponized against the American people. Anti-populist, anti-nationalist neoconservatism with its liberal social values ruled America during the latter half of the 20th Century. During Trump’s first term, prominent Neoconservatives began the “Never-Trump” movement and many switched political parties. Neoconservatism is the predominant political school of the Texas political establishment, it has inspired much of the RPT platform, and it is important for activists to recognize and discern the difference between real conservatism and neoconservatism.

TRACK THREE:  Digging Deeper
– We’re not done yet!  If we’re going to push that Overton Window further to the right, we’ve got a lot more work to do!  But work is play at True Texas Project.  These speakers will have you mesmerized and motivated.  Don’t take our word for it…  Come see for yourself!

  • The Big Con: Gambling In Texas with Les Bernal – Learn Why Predatory Gambling is the State’s Most-Neglected Major Problem and How It Affects Your Life…Take a look at the top donors for most of the Texas legislature, and you’ll find Las Vegas Sands.  Now why would a gambling corporation be greasing the palms of politicians?  You and I both know it only means one thing:  bought votes.  We  need to prepare ourselves NOW with the truth about gambling.  Some of you may be thinking, “I like to gamble.  Let’s go!”  or “Why do we let Oklahoma & Louisiana have all the money?”  You might be surprised at the facts and stats that do not lie:  gambling has no place in Texas.
  • Tired of Losing? Introducing the New Right with C.Jay Engel – The growing New Right is post-liberal (assumes there is no neutrality) and understands it needs its own institutions to project power to fight the left. It believes in all the things of the Old Right like order and hierarchy but realizes the old liberal institutions have been weaponized against the right. Post War “normie-conservatives” believe in a bottom-up, hearts-first transformation of culture through individual conversion via the Gospel; New Right sees the necessity of a norming-influence of law on the broader culture and the top-down approach to reforming norms and ethics. In short, it’s a Right that’s tired of losing and has a proven winning plan. Part of this talk includes “No Enemies On The Right” – In order to move the Overton Window further right, we must work together to fight the Left. It’s a simple and obvious statement, but it’s apparently much harder to carry out. When the Left is committed to total political war, No Enemies On The Right is a non-negotiable operating principle. Activists can expect to learn that there are alternatives to perpetual defeat.  Winning the battle of the Overton Window is actually possible…and it’s already happening!
  • What Is Real Conservatism? with Paul Gottfried – What is often understood as modern conservatism is little more than a set of incoherent policy propositions that never challenge the prevailing liberal politics. Real conservatism seeks to protect a people and their traditions first and foremost while rejecting ideology as an ordering principal. Authentic conservatism recognizes the differences between men and women and the necessity of sex roles in family formation and culture propagation. Authentic Conservatism rejects highly centralized, statist mass democracy and recognizes that in order to protect liberty, social hierarchy is essential. In a world where every Texas politician claims to be conservative, giving activists tools to discern between real historic conservatism and the fake conservatism that never conserves anything is important.
  • Acquitted! with Kyle Rittenhouse – Kyle never wanted to be a public figure. He was homeless as a small child and raised in government-subsidized housing. His goal was to be a cop or a paramedic. He went to Kenosha to help his community—not become a whipping boy in the national debate. In less than three minutes, the direction of his life was horribly altered when he was forced to defend hi,self with deadly force. So much was said and written about him that was not true. Now, he tells his story. His name is Kyle Rittenhouse. He was attacked. He defended himself. He was prosecuted. He was acquitted.
  • Letter To The American Church – This topic covers TWO sessions, as we’ll watch the 1-hour movie followed by discussion and Q&A with one of the featured guests from the film.  In an earnest and searing wake-up call, the author of the bestseller Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy warns of the haunting similarities between today’s American church and the German church of the 1930s. Echoing Bonhoeffer’s prophetic call, Eric Metaxas exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil before it is too late.

Speaker Bios:
We don’t waste time on feel-good speakers and smooth politicians.  We are bringing you top-notch experts sure to make you think!  Are we not here for such a time as this?  This list is constantly being updated!

  • Massey Campos – Massey Campos is a first-generation American and 3rd generation preacher. Both his parents immigrated to America as young adults in order to pursue the American dream. Massey, along with his two brothers and one sister, grew up traveling as a family, as their father was an evangelist.  While still in his teens, Massey began preaching to congregations the unsearchable riches found in Christ. Then in 2001, he began speaking to audiences around the country in high schools, colleges, churches, and much more. Massey’s constant desire and passion is to see Americans, both young and old alike, understand the Biblical heritage of this great nation and bring America back to the God who gave us this liberty. Massey is a husband, father of three boys, and is Assistant Pastor at Revive Church in Stuart, FL. He and his family currently reside in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.
  • Mike Sonneveldt -Mike is COO of Self-Evident Ministries, as well as a national speaker, author, and Co-Host of the Self-Evident Podcast. His work is driven by a passion to see the next generation of this country turn back to their Creator and the foundations that made this country great. He has spoken at numerous events including schools, colleges, and churches. His messages cover many different topics regarding liberty, the Constitution, and our God-given rights. Mike has a Bachelors in English, was previously a high school teacher, is currently the Dean of Students for the Revive School of Ministry and continues to pursue expertise in theology, philosophy, history and politics. He is also married with 2 young children.
  • Les Bernal –Les is the National Director of Stop Predatory Gambling, whose mission is to reveal the truth behind gambling operators to prevent more victims. He has spoken and written extensively about commercialized gambling operators and their business practices, including regional casinos, state lotteries, online gambling, and commercialized sports betting. He has been cited by more than 650 newspapers and magazines, and he has appeared on national television and radio. He has also spoken before more than 1000 business organizations, college audiences and faith groups across the nation. Les was dubbed “one of its seven heroes who made a difference in America this year.” Prior to joining Stop Predatory Gambling, Les served as a Chief of Staff in the Massachusetts State Senate and worked as a campaign strategist for more than forty federal and state campaigns.
  • C.Jay Engel – C. Jay lives in California with his wife and four children. He runs a small manufacturing business and hosts the Chronicles Magazine Podcast. He spends his free time reading, writing, and engaging in social media polemics. He is a defender and fierce advocate of Heritage America.
  • Paul Gottfried – Dr. Paul Gottfried is an American political theorist and intellectual historian. He is the former Horace Raffensperger Professor of Humanities at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, a 1984 Guggenheim recipient, and the editor in chief of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. Dr. Gottfried is the author of 12 books on politics and culture and the editor of two anthologies of paleoconservative authors.
  • Andrew Isker – Andrew Isker is the pastor of 4th Street Evangelical Church in Waseca, MN. He is a graduate of Minnesota State University and Greyfriars Hall Ministerial Training School in Moscow, Idaho. He has served churches in Missouri, West Virginia, and Minnesota. He is the author of “Christian Nationalism” as well as, “The Boniface Option: A Strategy For Christian Counteroffensive in a Post-Christian Nation.” Andrew, his wife Kara, and their five children reside in his hometown of Waseca, MN.
  • Wade Miller – Wade Miller is a combat veteran who served in the U.S. Marine Corps as an infantryman. He has spent more than a decade working with the conservative grassroots movement, campaigns, public policy development in Washington, and on Capitol Hill. After deploying into combat theatres three times in Iraq and the Horn of Africa, Wade became involved in the Tea Party movement at home. Wade brought his understanding of the conservative grassroots to Heritage Action for America, working as a Senior Regional Coordinator. Wade also served as Political Director for Senator Ted Cruz during the 2018 Senate campaign cycle. Most recently, he served as Chief of Staff to Congressman Chip Roy. Wade lives in Virginia with his family. He is a graduate of University of Texas at Dallas.
  • Stephen Wolfe – Dr. Stephen Wolfe is the author of The Case for Christian Nationalism. He is a postdoctoral fellow in the James Madison Program at Princeton University. He completed his PhD in political philosophy at LSU in 2020. He has several years of teaching experience, including online teaching, and has published several academic articles. He was born and raised in Napa, California, and currently lives in North Carolina with his wife and four children.
  • Kyle Rittenhouse – well known for his involvement in a nationally covered self-defense shooting during the riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2020. At the time, Rittenhouse was a 17 year-old who was passionate about helping the community he was raised in, not knowing he would be violently attacked and forced to defend his own life. Almost two years later, Rittenhouse was facing a lifetime in prison for defending himself; he was acquitted on November 19, 2021. After being found not guilty, Rittenhouse spoke at America Fest 2021, hosted by Turning Point USA. With over 10,000 people in the audience, Kyle spoke alongside some of the other men who were in Kenosha on the night of his self-defense shooting. Rittenhouse is now 20 years old and has decided to use his unfortunate situation for good, bringing light to the lies and false information spread about him– and others who are forced to defend themselves. Kyle Rittenhouse is now a First and Second Amendment advocate whose background and experiences give him a unique perspective about why our Constitution is so important for the wellbeing of all Americans. He has been interviewed by some of the most prominent political media personalities in the country, including Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, Pete Hegseth, Tim Pool, and many others.
  • John Guandolo -Founder of, an organization dedicated to defeating the jihadi threat. Guandolo is a 1989 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy who took a commission as an Officer in the United States Marine Corps. He was a combat diver, military free-fall parachutist, and a graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School. In 1996, Guandolo joined the FBI, conducting narcotics investigations and investigating threats on high-level government officials. Shortly after 9/11, Mr. Guandolo began an assignment to the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI’s Washington Field Office developing an expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and terrorist organizations including Hamas, Al Qaeda, and others. In 2006, Mr. Guandolo was designated a “Subject Matter Expert” by FBI Headquarters and created and implemented the FBI’s first Counterterrorism Training Program focused on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, and the global Islamic Movement.
  • David Pinkston – Retired as a Captain after 32 years of service in the United States Navy as an Intelligence Officer. During his decades of service, he participated in operations in Panama, Desert Storm, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. David has supported every phase of modern warfare from strategic, operational, and tactical levels, from a senior advisor in the Pentagon to the leadership of the Joint Staff and Office of Secretary of Defense, to submarine operations in the Pacific, to special operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. David received his BA, in 1993, from the University of North Texas, in political science and Russian studies, where he completed an exchange program in St. Petersburg, Russia. He earned his master’s degree in National Security from the National Intelligence University in 1996. After retiring in March 2022, David moved back to Texas, where he lives today with his wife. He is the President and Founder of Positive Patriotism LLC., where he advocates for greater civic responsibility by promoting awareness of American military history, culture, and leadership. He is the author of many articles and his first book entitled “Positive Patriotism: Reigniting our love of country.”


Tickets are non-refundable.  If you find you have tickets you cannot use, please give them away!  You may also ask us to help you find someone to donate them to.  Email [email protected].

Need a hotel? We’ve negotiated a rate of just $99 at the Hilton Fort Worth. You must use this link and book by June 18. Note: parking is $49/day. For a hotel w/ parking & breakfast included, find a room in the University/Medical Center area, such as Extended Stay America Fort Worth Medical Center or Fairfield Inn & Suites Ft Worth University Ave.

Media:  This is a private event. No admittance without prior approval. Email [email protected] with a link to your outlet.