May 16, 2022
6:30pm - 8pm
MCM Elegante
2355 I-10 S
Beaumont, TX 77705

We are looking forward to hearing from this months speaker as he enlightens us on how the Department of Justice has been weaponized against the American people. Steve Stockman is a former US Representative, who’s life was  turned upside down by the justice department when he was taken into federal custody. His wife is here to tell us the REAL story about what happened, as well as how he has fought back since this happened. These days, you never know what “tools” you will need in your proverbial toolbox, so come and learn from his experience – we guarantee you will be moved.
We will also have Kirk Launius speaking to us on the important role that Sheriffs can play in a community.

True Texas Project
Speaker: Patti Stockman (in place of her husband, Steve)
Secondary Speaker: Kirk Launius
Date: Monday, May 16
Location: MCM Elegante 2355 I-10 S Beaumont, TX
5:30pm – Optional prayer meeting
5:45 – $5 pizza dinner opens while supplies last
6:30-8:00pm – meeting
No dues. No fees. No memberships. No RSVPs.

About Steve Stockman:

The Honorable Steve Stockman served as U.S. Representative from Texas in the 104th and 113th Congresses. He specialized in global emerging threats to America.

Serving on the Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee, he traveled to some of the most dangerous, high-risk nations and conflicts around the world.

However, his biggest risk was exposing Democrat crime families. He called for Lois Lerner’s arrest for her abuse of the IRS in the persecution of Christian and conservative non-profit organizations. He exposed documents implicating Secretary of State Clinton for selling her office to Clinton Foundation largest donor, a Ukrainian oligarch, by allowing his company’s sale of dual-use steel to Iran in contravention of U.S. law. In Stockman’s war against corruption, he also publicly called out Obama for funding the Haqqani terrorist network in exchange for traitor Bowe Bergdahl.

(Regrettably President Biden continues Obama’s reckless support for terrorist networks. Recently the same terrorists Obama gave millions to were installed in the Afghan government.)

In retaliation for Stockman’s exposure, Obama’s corrupt DOJ and IRS spent 4 years, $22 million and four grand juries perusing Congressman Stockman. Unfortunately, the Federal cabal of miscreants prevailed and Congressman Stockman was sent to federal prison with a 10-year sentence on trumped up charges of fraud, but – in reality – for his whistle-blowing on Federal government corruption.

But God is good and He answers prayer. After almost three years of imprisonment, just three days before Christmas in 2020, President Trump commuted Congressman Stockman’s unjust sentence.

Steve is most grateful to God and those who kept him in prayer while he was imprisoned, persecuted for whistle-blowing and fighting Federal government corruption. (Hebrews 13:3)

About Kirk Launius:

Kirk Launius is a licensed Texas Peace Officer, former Dallas Police Officer, United States Navy Veteran, and an entrepreneur in the insurance, telecom, energy, security, and transportation industries.  He holds a degree in economics from the University of Texas at Austin and was the Republican candidate for Dallas County Sheriff in 2012 and 2016.  He was endorsed by “America’s Toughest Sheriff” Joe Arpaio and the founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association ( Sheriff Richard Mack.  Mr. Launius is a plaintiff in two election lawsuits which are cases of first impression.  One case is at The Supreme Court of Texas and the other is at the Dallas Court of Appeals.  These cases will ensure honest and legal elections in Texas.  Elected county sheriffs across the country are making news because they are investigating election fraud and other crimes which threaten our constitutional republic.  Kirk teaches, consults, and empowers people around the state and country on the role and importance of the constitutional sheriff.  It is vitally important that we as citizens know and understand the powers and limitations of our county sheriffs, deputies, police chiefs, police officers, constables, and other peace officers according to the Constitution.  Police academies and law schools are woefully deficient in teaching the Constitution, but there is hope that we can “turn this ship around.”  Kirk Launius looks forward to showing YOU how to participate in educating our nation’s peace officers on our Constitution, holding them accountable to the oath, and inspiring our sheriffs and peace officers to always “secure the Blessings of Liberty.”