The Games People Play (In the Texas Legislature)
People often ask me where they can find the voting record for their Texas legislator. Especially at election time, it’s important to know how your incumbent elected representatives have behaved in the…
Impeachment or Witch-hunt?
The impeachment trial of AG Ken Paxton starts on Tuesday, Sept 5 in the Texas Senate. TTP has taken a position AGAINST this impeachment from the beginning because of the shady process…
Helpful Tools for Citizen Advocates
When TTP first started working with the Legislature, we assembled this list of websites and news sources that we found helpful in navigating the system. We hope that you will find them…
That’s a Wrap! TX Lege 88th Session Recap
That’s a Wrap! (Wait – maybe not)
What the heck is going on with the Texas legislature? Have you been watching? We saw Dade Phelan gavel wielding while apparently inebriated, then in final…
Austin – We Have a Problem!
House Election Committee Dragging their Heels, by Fran Rhodes
After the debacles of the 2020 and 2022 National elections, we can all agree that election security and transparency is at the top of…
Week 17 Capitol Update, 88th Legislative Session
Dear Friends,
Today is the 109th day of the 140 day Texas Legislature 88th Session! If I did the math right, that means we have 31 days left. You are going to start…
Discernment Required!
A commentary from Julie McCarty, CEO
We took a large group of activists to the Capitol this week to teach them more about engaging in government. Part of the training included a tour…
What Do We Do with a Weaponized Government?
Are you feeling like you are living in a Communist Dictatorship instead of the United States of America? Our Constitutional Republic is under attack from its very own law enforcement agencies. Speech…
Vote Harvesting In Tarrant County
Ken Paxton warned us, and now it has arrived.Why is the Republican District Attorney not investigating the voter fraud scandal in Tarrant County? I get that sometimes people want to blame a…
True Texas Project Adopts Legislative Priorities for the 88th Session of the Texas Legislature
At the annual meeting of the True Texas Project Board of Directors in August, Board members adopted five legislative priorities for the 88th Session of the Texas Legislature, which begins on January…